Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our cooks

Hi Friends,

What's your favorite food at Powell House? As you can imagine, each cook is known for their recipes. Here are our current cooks at PoHo. We also have wonderful volunteers who help out as assistants and butlers. You know that if you are a butler in the ACC with Jacki during a youth conference, you'll work a lot harder than if you're helping in Pitt Hall.

Jacki Gray is our Food Service Manager and she keeps the other cooks in line ....

Chris Koster making cupcakes at a WinterSong

Edie Kramer is at the end of the table working away while the cookie bowl gets cleaned out!

Amy White, currently on Sabbatical from cooking here, is known for her granola.

Martha Gurvich took time off from the EarthSong kitchen to see her daughter, Sky, graduate.

Anita Thacker who now lives on Cape Cod manages to come over and cook a few times a year. I'll have a photo of her here, soon. Remember Anita's coffeecake?

Our newest cook, Soleh Nagbe-Greene, will be cooking her 1st conference later in May.

1 comment:

bob said...

This is a great idea. I never realized how much I relate to the cooks, their great food and recipes and how welcoming they make you at Powell House.
Bob Elmendorf