Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Growing, Eating, and Preparing Foods Locally

Healing the Earth,Nourishing Ourselves: Growing, Eating & Preparing Food Locally

August 21-23, 2009

We held an experiential weekend in August with Andrew Faust, pictured above. Andrew is one of the premier Permaculture teachers in North America, from The Center For Bioregional Living in New York City and Ellenville, NY. He shared his expertise with us in several sessions. We then went to work.

Here's Debbie Way slicing up a cabbage for kimchi or sauerkraut

More prep for the kimchi. Jotham Bailey and Mimi McGiver are in the foreground.

They're almost done with the preparation before canning. You'll see the finished product in the last photo.

They cut up apples, made applesauce and canned it as a model for preserving fruit.

Here's Andrew Faust sharing the sourdough starter - yes, the group made sourdough bread. YUM. You can see some of the jars of kimchi on the left side of the table.

Buffy Curtis shares her recipe for yogurt. It's Buffy, Andrew, Susan Corson-Finnerty and Mimi.

Here's the group with their bounty from the weekend.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Work weekend - Quilters finish 4th quilt for Barclay

Over 5 years ago, Liseli Haines, our property manager, put out a request across the yearly meeting -- we wanted quilt squares in order to make 5 quilts -- one for each bed in Robert Barclay.

The response was amazing. There were plenty to make all 5 quilts. Hazel Haines and Liseli pieced those 1st quilt tops together and then volunteers coming to Powell House began to quilt.

The 1st two quilts took one year each. The 3rd 2 years. At the spring work weekend, we finished the 4th in one year! Here are photos of some of the volunteers from this weeks work. Young and old; experienced as well as those who had never quilted before.

These young women worked long and hard.

A new quilter!

Anita Paul, in the middle, checks for dropped stitches. It looks great.

Anita at her sewing machine, beginning to piece the 5th top together. Nan Olsen took it home with her to finish piecing the top and then we'll begin quilting again. Goal: to finish the 5th quilt before the 50th anniversary of Powell House 2010-2011.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spring work weekend - building community

Some of our most popular weekends are our intergenerational ones -- even the work weekends. We had over 100 attenders ranging in age from toddlers to over 80 years old. There were chores that fit everyone's ability, energy and attention.

The ice storm left us with lots of downed branches. Here are 2 of our willing volunteers hard at work.

Other jobs included cleaning out the herb bed

After most of the sticks were gathered, we had a controlled fire. We moved the leaves to be composted.

The ice storm of December '08 has given us lots of firewood.

One of our annual jobs is cleaning out the gutters. This year, Brandon & Tom Glenn volunteered for the job. Carolyn Heary is in the background raking leaves.

We kept the log splitter in use for the whole day.

Reminy, in the foreground, is helping move firewood to our shed.

Jacki's wonderful bread kept us going.

Along with Martha's wonderful matzo ball chicken soup.

We also moved some of the downed tree trunks from the campground to the downed beech tree logs. We'll have a sawyer come and make them into lumber which we will later use around Powell House. Remember the cherry and butternut used in the ACC renovations?

We moved wood from the campground to our wood shed and found that several passengers were "into" tractor rides, too. Mike loves to drive that tractor.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Constructing a Boiler

It's been a busy 7 days. A week ago, Anola Gowin primed the boiler room, painting over WHITEWASH, if you can believe it.

Sunday afternoon found Liseli and Buffy cleaning out around the edges of the concrete floor, so that the plywood would fit.

After a couple of tries, the plywood fell into place.

Now the room was ready for Buffy to paint. All this was in preparation for the new boiler, being delivered on Monday.

Monday: The bobcat made several trips to and from the truck; taking the 6 new sections to the basement and then picking up the 8 old ones. Here's the 1st delivery of the old.

and a wooden flat with 3 new sections.

Don't they look whole (refer to an earlier blog).

Now, putting it all together. Here's Ed measuring the space needed.

Tuesday afternoon the boiler looked like this.


Thursday found Mike connecting pipes.

This is the "before" photo -- notice the hole in the pipe in the foreground as well as the space around the wall.

Here's Scott repairing the wall and replacing pipes outside the boiler room.

Back inside the room, Ed and Mike work together to get the connection good and tight. Ed's wrench weighs over 40 pounds!

Friday! Now we're waiting on tiny parts for the controls. Hopefully the manufacturer will actually send the right parts this time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Old Boiler removed today

Hermann Schmidt Heat and Plumbing are taking care of our boiler. Today they were here to take out the old one.

Here's Ed explaining the situation to Liseli. What caused the 11 1/2 year old boiler to fail? Ed, our steam expert, explained that it was the corrosion from a variety of sources: fresh water coming in too frequently, chlorine in our well water a few years ago and minerals in that water.

There are 8 sections to this boiler. Here's Scott cutting apart the sections with Mike Schmidt looking on.

Poor old boiler! This inside shot shows the high water mark that shouldn't be in there! It's supposed to be dry!

This is the close up of some of the corrosion inside out.

Each section weighs about 200 pounds. Here's Scott man-handling one of the sections.

All is quiet now. Ed is pictured here cleaning up some of the debris.

The new boiler will be here Monday!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Keeping the Fires Going

As many of you know, the Pitt Hall boiler cracked open Tuesday, February 3rd. We're getting bids on repairing or replacing the boiler but in the meantime, we have to keep the building warm enough so the pipes don't freeze. We're using a combination of roaring fires in 2 of the fireplaces so that the chimneys heat the building as well as using portable electric heaters.

Of course, we've had to cancel the workshops and retreats scheduled in Pitt Hall.

Yes, it's steam heat.

So we've gone through most of our firewood. Liseli and Buffy have been taking turns with Rick Townsend and Ethan to keep the fires hot. Here's Ethan chopping more wood.

This was one of the warmer days -- probably 18 degrees.

We are so grateful that Rick is here to paint the formal staircase and hallway in Pitt Hall. Between plastering in Pitt and painting trim in the ACC, he still finds time to warm up in front of the fire. Thanks, Rick.