Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Growing, Eating, and Preparing Foods Locally

Healing the Earth,Nourishing Ourselves: Growing, Eating & Preparing Food Locally

August 21-23, 2009

We held an experiential weekend in August with Andrew Faust, pictured above. Andrew is one of the premier Permaculture teachers in North America, from The Center For Bioregional Living in New York City and Ellenville, NY. He shared his expertise with us in several sessions. We then went to work.

Here's Debbie Way slicing up a cabbage for kimchi or sauerkraut

More prep for the kimchi. Jotham Bailey and Mimi McGiver are in the foreground.

They're almost done with the preparation before canning. You'll see the finished product in the last photo.

They cut up apples, made applesauce and canned it as a model for preserving fruit.

Here's Andrew Faust sharing the sourdough starter - yes, the group made sourdough bread. YUM. You can see some of the jars of kimchi on the left side of the table.

Buffy Curtis shares her recipe for yogurt. It's Buffy, Andrew, Susan Corson-Finnerty and Mimi.

Here's the group with their bounty from the weekend.

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